How LA Stopped the 1918 Influenza Epidemic

Proven Strategies from the Past

1918 Flu

When the second wave of influenza struck cities in the east, the city fathers (and mothers) of Los Angeles prepared control measures.

They closed all schools and every one of 83 movie theaters. There were few influenza cases.

San Francisco did not prepare for the second wave. They were only able to control the epidemic by enforcing a full masking order.




This documentary features Anthony Fauci. More interesting, there is an interview with David Morens., Senior Advisor to Dr. FAuci. When he and I were EIS officers, we called him “The Crown Prince of Depravity.”

He led a team studying a dengue outbreak in the Virgin Islands. It was in the dead of winter and we didn’t want to go back. So we just kept interviewing every third person. Eventually, CDC Atlanta sent us a cable threatening to fire us unless we came straight home. A good time was had by all.

Interlude from Death Star Canteen

See you tomorrow.

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